miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

Middle Age Period

It starts with the normand invasion: Vikings invade Normandy- France

French people gave to the invasors a piece of land (normandy), in order to finish the battles with this group, but to have this land, the vikings have to fight with new invasors in order to avoid a new invasion in other territories of this country.

The normand invasion was commanded by William the conqueror ( french), whom in a battle, that was known as " The hasting battle", defeated british people.
As he defeated british people, he was the new british king and old english adopt a third language:
  • Old english: 4 dialects (northumbrian, wessex, mershian, kentish)
  • French: for monarchy and aristocracy.
  • Latin: religious purposes, juridical states and different statements
The most representative author of the middle ages was Geoffrey Chaucer, he was the writer of different books, and the most important is named " The Canterbury Tales".

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